How do I import Lotus Organiser address files?
- When you export the address files from Lotus Organiser as a CSV file, press the Options button
ensure that the Field Name the in First Record box is crossed.
Press the Map All button
when Organiser asks you how you would map
your information.
- To import company and contact addresses into OfficeTalk requires two imports. From the Contact mode go to
File\Import. The default will be for Quoted Fields and Comma delimited which doesn't need to be touched. Use the
Browse button to locate your file.
- The import type should be Company. Match Lotus Organiser Company_Name field to Company Name by highlighting
each one and pressing Connect. To import address fields match the Lotus Organiser address field to Address 1.
- Lotus Organiser uses hard returns to space out its address field. OfficeTalk will locate these and place the addresses
into the next available address line. Therefore if a Lotus address file has two address lines and a city it will match
perfectly with OfficeTalks'.
- Once all fields have been matched, import the file. This will now import the company details. Once this is complete,
choose contact as the import type and match the appropriate fields. Ensure that the Lotus Organiser Company_Name
field is matched to [company].
OfficeTalk CSV Import dialog box
Index How do I see just my conversations in Contact Mode?